eCommerce Hosting


The cornerstone of a successful ecommerce website is stable ecommerce web hosting. If you’re investing in a system that powers your business online, its critically important to build a solid foundation.

A website / store offline its akin to a closed store front being. You’re not only missing vital sales, you’re losing trust with your customer base. Don’t make the mistake of building your online business on an unreliable hosting platform.

We offer premium hosting up-time guarantees on all of our ecommerce hosting plans.

Running a successful online store means you need to be prepared for the worst. The time it takes to bounce back from disaster is critical and can make all the difference to the ongoing survivability of an online business.

We snapshot your hosting account regularly to ensure all backup bases are covered.

As your website grows its important for the platform and the hosting that power to grow with it. Increased customers, products and general data increases the resources your website uses.

Scalable packages and upgrade paths ensure your web hosting can grow with your website.

Capturing sensitive or private customer information, means your business is obligated to do all it can to ensure the security of your customers. Complex security systems monitor and protect your website from a range of online attack vectors.

  Economy Package   Premium Package  Business Package  First Class Package
1GB Disk Space
Unlimited Bandwidth
Unlimited Mailboxes
Unlimited MySQL
2GB Disk Space
Unlimited Bandwidth
Unlimited Mailboxes
Unlimited MySQL
5GB Disk Space
Unlimited Bandwidth
Unlimited Mailboxes
Unlimited MySQL

10GB Disk Space
Unlimited Bandwidth
Unlimited Mailboxes
Unlimited MySQL

R59 per month R79 per month R105 per month R129 per month

   Easy File Management    Multiple FTP Accounts
The online file manager allows you to upload, create or delete files,
organize files in folders, extract files and change file permissions.
There is no need to give developers full access to your account. You can limit FTP users to specific directories by setting up multiple FTP accounts.
   File Security    Multi-Site Hosting
We also run PHP in your username, limiting your exposure to other users. You can run multiple websites from one hosting package.
   Advanced Email and Webmail    Mobile Device Support
Create and delete a number of email accounts You can send and receive
via your favorite email program. Webmail is also provided to allow you to
access your email from just about anywhere.
You can set your emails up with your iPhone, Android or Blackberry phone. Sync emails between your phone and computer using IMAP, and see the status of emails in real-time wherever you are.
   Forwards, Autoresponders and More    Spam and Email Filtering
There is a full set of additional features thrown in with our email setup, to
make it as flexible as possible. Including forwarders, email aliases,
autoresponders, default addresses and more.
SpamAssassin protects you from spam. You can choose at what levels you want spam highlighted, deleted or sent to a dedicated spam folder. We also provide additional filtering tools for advanced customisation.



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Our business solutions are designed around the real needs of businesses, our information resources, tools and...

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ABOUT Media Developments

Media Developments was established in 2003 and has grown to host more than 4000 websites across 10 different datacentres. We're proudly 100% South African owned and operated.


New offices coming soon!
Western Cape, South Africa
Phone: +27 82 764 1315
Fax: 086 652 6507